Sunday, March 27, 2011

Suprise, Suprise!

Yesterday, M and I met up at the mall, so that our little boys could play together.  We ended up walking around the mall from around 11:30am - 3pm!!!!  Even when we're not trying, we still manage to get in some excorsize!  Crazy!!!  I stepped on the scale today and am dissappointed to see no real change.  I know it's from my diet, so next week, i'll be upping my game!  Working out, eating Lean Cuisines, and trying to avoid my normal fatty foods.  I don't anticipate looking FABULOUS for a wedding we'll be going to at the beginning of May, but I would like to look decent.  I'd like to be able to buy an outfit that's one size smaller than I am now.  Think I can do it?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Do I get a sticker?

Today is Friday.  Today marks 1 full week of M and I working out in the mornings!  There were times one of us wanted to cancel on the other (mainly me wanting to cancel...), but it didn't happen!  Through allergies, a slight cold, and exhaustion, we still managed to push ourselves to workout Monday-Friday for an hour (ish) each time.  I feel great!  And I feel TIRED!  I am so excited tomorrow is Saturday, and we  can SLEEP IN!  While I understand Kiernan probably won't let me sleep past 8am, it's still better than waking up at 4:30!  This week is FULL of accomplishments!
1.) We worked out 5 times IN A ROW
2.) We worked out for 45 minutes to 1 hour each time!!!
3.) I successfully made it for 5 minutes on the stairmaster.
4.) M successfully conquered her fear of the weigh machines
5.) I was able to go from 20lb stomach crunches to 25lb stomach crunches

Next week, we plan to start in the circuit room.  It looks realitively non-threatening....LOL  I also would like to make it to 10 minutes on the stair master by the end of next week.  I am currently so tired, I'm having a difficult time concentrating on what i'm thinking about.

I feel as though i'm slipping into another funk.  I'm praying that my current mood is simply because i'm exhausted and have a headache.  I've done so well to pull myself out of that cloudy depression and into the light of optimism.  If I am truly slipping backwards, I don't know how it will affect job, family, and friends.  I can't risk that.  I need to get some rest and re-evaluate why I am feeling this way. 

My diet is still bad.  I need to watch what I eat more carefully, and I need to stop eating junk.  I pretty much stop every morning to get donuts and the BEST donut place in the world, but I know I need to stop that.  I need to save the money and lose the weight!  I bought 10 lean cuisines (they were on sale), and I haven't touched 1.  Mainly, though, the reason for this is because I keep forgetting they are in the freezer.  We haven't had food in the freezer in so long that I tend to forget when we do!

Now it's time for me to stop my whining, take some Excedrin, find my vitamins, and watch my students work on their group assignments. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Bigfoot is Real!

Ever notice how there are a ton of accounts of bigfoot sightings and very few partial pictures?  That's a lot like when I was skinny.  My life long friends know, and can remember, when I weighed 125-140 pounds, but there are very few partial pictures of it.  I wish I had more.  As I hang out with my friend, we'll call her M, it reminds me of those days.  I know that she feels like she's overweight for her size (and history), but I feel envious of her.  I wish I was starting at 140 and not 240!  I'm hoping that we can support and each other through the difficulties of weight loss and come out on top of our goals!

Today I woke up late (per usual), rushed to the gym and did 25 minutes of cardio and about 5-10 minutes of weights.  I wanted to make sure I worked on my abs.  For breakfast I ate some monkey bread.  I know I shouldn't have, but I have a lot of leftovers and I don't want it to go to waste.  For lunch I had a 6" tuna with cheese and light mayo on white bread from Subway.  It was really good!  For dinner I ate some ravioli type things with a vodka sauce, garlic bread, and steamed zuccinni and squash.  It was really good! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

In the Beginning...

My name is Searcy Campbell and I have been a life long fatty.  I have struggled with my weight since as far back as I can remember, and I am sick and tired of being this way.  This blog is here to help me keep track of my weight loss journey and to hopefully help others who are struggling.  Here's a little background information about me:
* I am 27 years old
* I am married
* I have 1 child (he just turned one and is the light of my life!!!)
* I work part time as a teacher.
* I LOVE my job.  I get to spend every morning with the best international students, teaching them how to write in English. 
* In the fall, I am going back to school to get my Masters degree
* I currently live in the "fattest city" in America. 

Now that you know a little  bit more about me, it's time to look at my stats:
* I currently weigh 235.
* I don't know my measurements at this time, mainly because i'm too lazy to find my measuring tape...
* My overall goal is to weigh between 120 and 130.
* My first mini-goal is to weigh between 215 and 200.

I have a fabulous workout buddy who is making sure I go to the gym with her as often as possible.  I am so greatful for that!  Well, this is the end of my first post.  Stay tuned as I evaluate my meals, complain about the early morning workouts, whine about my sore muscles, and rejoice in my weight loss success.