Sunday, March 27, 2011

Suprise, Suprise!

Yesterday, M and I met up at the mall, so that our little boys could play together.  We ended up walking around the mall from around 11:30am - 3pm!!!!  Even when we're not trying, we still manage to get in some excorsize!  Crazy!!!  I stepped on the scale today and am dissappointed to see no real change.  I know it's from my diet, so next week, i'll be upping my game!  Working out, eating Lean Cuisines, and trying to avoid my normal fatty foods.  I don't anticipate looking FABULOUS for a wedding we'll be going to at the beginning of May, but I would like to look decent.  I'd like to be able to buy an outfit that's one size smaller than I am now.  Think I can do it?


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